VIVA Health

Location Birmingham , Alabama
Company Type
Health Plan
Type of Program
Non-accredited residencies
Length of Program
1 year
Number of Positions
VIVA Health


Application Window

Early December - Early January

Educational/Special Requirements

Special Features

The goal of our Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Residency Program is to provide training and experience that will shape the participant into a well-rounded Managed Care Clinical Pharmacist. Through a variety of experiences, ranging from formulary management to direct member contact, our pharmacy resident will have countless opportunities to sharpen their skills in order to excel in their future career endeavors. After completion of the residency program, graduates will be prepared to function in the following clinical pharmacist settings: drug utilization review, formulary management, drug information, CMS STAR measure management, pharmacy & therapeutics committees, opioid case reviews, research, care management, quality assurance and improvement, teaching, and precepting 4th year pharmacy students.

Contact Information

Name: Katy Collins


Phone: (205) 558-2878


417 20th Street North, Suite 1100

Birmingham AL 35203

Date Updated