Formulary Management
Drug Use Management Policy 9909 11/01/1999 Introduced 03/01/2004 Reapproved 12/01/2008 Reapproved 10/01/2012 Reapproved 02/08/2017 Reapproved 02/08/2023 Revised | AMCP recognizes the value of drug use review (DUR) as a means to understand, interpret, evaluate, and improve the prescribing, administration, and use of medications to improve patient outcomes and total cost of care. Using DUR information, managed care pharmacists can identify prescribing trends and initiate corrective action in collaboration with appropriate stakeholders to improve drug therapy for groups of patients, as well as individuals.
Formularies 02/08/2017 Revised 04/23/2018 Revised 03/25/2019 Revised | AMCP supports the use of appropriately designed formularies as quality-enhancing, cost-effective pharmaceutical care tool that meets the needs of the patient population and assist members of the health care team in effectively managing a patient's total medical care regimen. Formulary coverage decisions are based primarily on sound clinical evidence. Cost should be considered only after safety, efficacy, therapeutic need and patient outcomes have been assessed. The value of a formulary is maximized when it is part of an integrated patient care process and integrates with other health care management tools, such as drug utilization review and medical treatment guidelines. The overall formulary system encourages physicians, pharmacists, and other care givers to work together to ensure positive outcomes and cost-effective results.
Pharmacist's Role in Formulary Management
11/01/1999 Introduced 03/01/2004 Revised 12/01/2008 Revised 10/01/2010 Reapproved 04/12/2021 Revised | AMCP supports the use of an appropriately designed formulary as a quality-enhancing, cost-effective pharmaceutical care tool that meets the needs of the patient population and assist members of the health care team in effectively managing a patient's total medical care regimen. AMCP further recognizes that pharmacists are key to the success of formulary management. Pharmacists determine the P&T Committee agenda; analyze and disseminate scientific, clinical, and health economic information for P&T Committee member review; follow-up with research when necessary; and communicate P&T Committee decisions to health plan prescribers, other health care professionals, and patients.
Therapeutic Interchange Policy 9928 11/01/1999 Introduced 03/01/2004 Reapproved 12/01/2008 Reapproved 10/01/2012 Revised 03/25/2019 Revised 02/08/2024 Revised | AMCP supports the use of evidence-based therapeutic interchange programs as a part of a comprehensive approach to quality, cost-effective patient care. AMCP believes that therapeutic interchange may improve the patient's access to more affordable health care and represents an efficient use of pharmaceutical resources that helps keep medical costs down. The therapeutic interchange programs are designed to work in conjunction with other tools that health care professionals use to promote quality medical outcomes, and increase affordability to patients and payers. Therapeutic interchange is not always about simply lowering the medication costs; however, therapeutic interchange frequently occurs when overall health care savings can be achieved. There are instances where replacing one drug with a more costly drug may result in fewer treatment failures, better patient adherence to the treatment plan, fewer side effects, and improved clinical outcomes, which could result in lower overall health care spending. (See AMCP Where We Stand Position Statement – Therapeutic Interchange) |
Development of Quality Performance Measures
| AMCP recommends the continued development of standardized and reproducible evidence-based quality performance measures that are fair, attainable, meaningful, reproducible, and relevant. AMCP partners with complementary organizations to ensure alignment of all health care stakeholders in the pursuit of measures to improve the quality of patient care. |
Patient Adherence and Persistence 04/07/2015 Revised
| AMCP supports programs that encourage patients to adhere to prescribed treatment regimens and continue those regimens (persistence) for maximum therapeutic benefit. Programs should be developed with knowledge of the patient's history, value for the prescribed treatment, and expected positive therapeutic outcome. AMCP believes that the pharmacist, as the medication management professional, has an important role in this process. Such programs should use comprehensive communications and evidence-based approaches to support patient adherence and persistence. |
Utilization Management Policy 0401 02/01/2004 Introduced 12/01/2008 Reapproved 10/01/2012 Revised 02/08/2017 Revised 02/08/2023 Revised | AMCP supports the role of utilization management in the provision of quality, cost-effective prescription drug benefits. The fundamental goal of utilization management is to promote the appropriate and cost-effective use of medications and optimize patient outcomes. Pharmacists in all practice settings must work collaboratively to develop specific policies and procedures to ensure that the utilization management process is administered in the most efficient manner possible, is fully compliant with statutory and regulatory requirements and provides members, pharmacists and prescribers with an evidence-based, rational process to promote appropriate drug use. Examples of utilization management strategies used within a prescription drug benefit include, but not limited to, prior authorization, step therapy, quantity management, drug utilization review (DUR), channel management strategies, and the application of a formulary management system (See AMCP Concepts in Managed Care Pharmacy – Prior Authorization). |
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