Social Media Tool Kit

Many of our members say one of the biggest reasons they joined AMCP was because a colleague invited them. As part of AMCP Champion Month, we’re asking you to share your experience on social media to encourage your colleagues and network to do the same — join AMCP! To make it easier for you to share, we developed this social media toolkit with sample posts and graphics that you can use on your personal social media to promote AMCP membership and earn your way to new Champion levels.

Please feel free to customize these posts to suit your own voice. We’ve also included images to go with your posts. If you do decide to create your own posts, please be sure to use the hashtag #IAmAMCP and tag us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Sample Posts for Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn 
  • When I joined AMCP I found my professional family — others who “get” the importance of optimizing medicine to improve lives. As an AMCP Champion, I invite you to join today! P.S. Be sure to list me as the referrer. #IAmAMCP #AMCP

  • Do you work to get medications to people at costs they can afford? Join AMCP — THE professional network that “gets” the importance of optimizing medicine to improve lives. Help me boost my AMCP Champion level by joining today! #IAmAMCP #AMCP

  • Do you work to get medications to people at costs they can afford? Are you an AMCP member? If not, why? It’s THE organization dedicated to managed care pharmacy pros! Ask me about membership or join today by listing me as the referrer at signup. #IAmAMCP #AMCP

Sample Instagram Posts 
  • When I joined @amcporg, I found my professional family — others who “get” the importance of optimizing medicine to improve lives. My AMCP membership has charted my career growth and provided authentic networking. As an AMCP Champion, I invite you to join today at the link in @amcporg’s bio! Be sure to list me as the referrer if you join. #IAmAMCP

  • Do you work to get medications to people at costs they can afford? Join @amcporg — THE professional network that “gets” the importance of optimizing medicine to improve lives. Help me boost my AMCP Champion level by joining today! The link to join can be found in @amcporg’s bio. #IAmAMCP #IAmAMCP

  • Do you work to get medications to people at costs they can afford? Are you an @amcporg member? If not, why? It’s not only THE organization dedicated to managed care pharmacy professionals but also a true professional family. Have questions about membership? Ask me or join today by listing me as the referrer at signup. The link to join can be found in @amcporg’s bio. #IAmAMCP

Sample Graphics 

To share one of the graphics below, right-click on the image and select “Save Image As.” Save the graphic to your computer, then include/upload it with your social media post. 


Champion Twitter Graphic


Champion Facebook Graphic


Champion LinkedIn Graphic


Champion Instagram Graphic